Red radish Kimchi

I harvested some radish this morning. It is very easy to grow from seeds. Normally, I make radish kimchi with Daikon or ponytail radishes. Always good to try new things!
Red radish(French Breakfast, Salad Crunch) ….. 15 to 20 red radish with leaves.
Salt ….. 1/3 cup for salting
Red pepper powder(Gochugaru) ….. 3 Tablespoons
Spring onions ….. 2
Fish sauce ….. 4 to 5 tablespoons
Sugar ….. 1 to 2 tablespoons
Wet mix (the white sauce bottom from the photo):
4 cloves garlic, a small piece of ginger, a half onion, a half apple, a half handful of cooked rice and 1/3 cup of water. Use a blender to make the sauce(I used my morning fruits shake maker)

- Clean and cut the radish
- Soak the radish in the salt water for 1 hour
- Drain the water as much as you can(I squeeze out the water from the leaves)
- Mix well with all the prepared seasoning.
- Store in a sanitized jar(soak in the jar with hot boiling water) for 3~4 days
- Refridge after a little the sour taste from the fermentation