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Red radish Kimchi

Red radish Kimchi

I harvested some radish this morning. It is very easy to grow from seeds. Normally, I make radish kimchi with Daikon or ponytail radishes. Always good to try new things! Ingredients Red radish(French Breakfast, Salad Crunch) ….. 15 to 20 red radish with leaves. Salt […]

Silverbeet(Chard) recipe 2. Quick and easy Miso silverbeet

Silverbeet(Chard) recipe 2. Quick and easy Miso silverbeet

Long time my favourite vegetarian dish. It is so easy to make it. I have them with rice or savoury typed bread like Mark’s sourdough german bread. You have plenty of silverbeets in your garden, waiting for you to harvest. Ingredients Silverbeet ….. 10 to 15  […]

Silverbeet(Chard) recipe 1. Miso soup in a slowcooker

Silverbeet(Chard) recipe 1. Miso soup in a slowcooker

Silverbeet is one of the most well growing vegetables in any gardens. I like to use this nutritious green vegetable in my favourite Miso soup. I use a slow cooker for cooking soups to bring out the hidden flavours of each ingredient. I love the soft silky […]

꼭 먹어줘야하는 남미음식 Top 10 (칠레, 페루편)

꼭 먹어줘야하는 남미음식 Top 10 (칠레, 페루편)

아는 사람들은 다 알겠지만 개인적으로 먹는 것 엄청 중요하게 생각한다. 어딜가든 그 지역 ‘음식’이 가장 궁금한 나…..남미음식에 대한 사전지식이 별루 없이 도착해서 첫 날 부터 식당에 가서 도대체 어떤 음식을 어떻게 주문하고 먹어야 할지 막막~했다. 특히 남미에서는 그 나라 언어(스페인어)를 할 줄 모르면 커뮤니케이션이 진짜 […]

Top 10 Food To Try In Chile

Top 10 Food To Try In Chile

The first time trip to Chile as well as the very first trip to South America! I am very enthusiastic about food. When I have the chance to go overseas I am very excited to try new food in the foreign environment. There is our […]

Bean salad with Asian dressing : Garden harvest

Bean salad with Asian dressing : Garden harvest

Beans are very easy to grow in New Zealand during the warmer season. We have Green, Purple and yellow beans in our garden. In the beginning, we only had an option to cook them or just stir-fry them. We have the surplus amount of beans […]